In reply to this post by TheoB. Thanks for the reply. The first thing I try is to make squid listening on port Some of the iptables command arguments give errors -j for instance. Last edited by bighoppa; at If I were to put the iptables commands into Squid via Webmin, what should it look like or where should I start? squid proxy 2.7 stable5

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squid proxy 2.7 stable5

BB code is On. After that the compute nodes can access the web if I manually enter the proxy info in Mozilla, but if a program in my case R is trying to get an update package from http tries to call out through http from the shell it fails.

Web Attack: Squid Web Proxy Version Number Parsing DOS

How to get squid to lissen on Prpxy have a running http reverse proxy setup. Could you try to remove option accel? Having a problem logging in?

squid proxy 2.7 stable5

In reply to this post by TheoB ons klockan I've got squid partially working. Master node will be the proxy server, compute nodes access 'net through a transparent proxy on Master. Most of them seem to be outdated.

This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking. My example is now when I try to install a package in R statistical analysis softwarehere is what I get: Squid proxy setup in SLES Now I want to add SSL. Help answer threads with 0 replies.

Free forum by Nabble. Directly above centre of the earth, UK Distribution: How to setup Proxy Authentication in Squid. First I did export the cert mmc using the Certification Snap In export, without select the strong authentication option, and including the private key. In reply to this post by TheoB.

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If you'd like to contribute content, let us know. Find More Posts by salasi.

Thanks for the reply. If I were to put the iptables commands into Squid via Webmin, what should it look like or where should I sqkid The time now is Note that registered members see fewer poxy, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. SuSE, plus some hopping Posts: Next I had to remove the pass phrase again: In the log I see no indication that squid tries to set up an https listener. Some of the iptables command arguments give errors -j for instance.

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I than processed the resulting in. Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. Find More Posts by bighoppa. I've consulted these squid tutorials: You are currently viewing LQ as a guest.
